Friday, November 11, 2016

Episode 12 - Wes Anderson Ugly

Today's secret word is "Mutual Destruction". Well the votes are in and this podcast is a miserable failure. Matt and Dan sit down and regress and pontificate on the future and its magnificent possibilities for everyone except them. The question remains, when will this podcast take its own life and be dragged off into the woods by the coyotes? Enjoy!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Episode 11 - Happy Birthday Fatty

Today's secret word is "corn starch". Matt's 40 everyone! Dan's drunk and we went to ITT! Matt turned 40 a good two weeks ago but we didn't want to post this until we knew he would live a few days past his 40th birthday. Last time I heard he's still with us and on the road to success and making a cool $19k his first year at his new job. Thanks for listening!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Episode 10 - A Very Special Episode

Today's secret word is "black mold". We start off the podcast with an incredibly vague description of an object we don't care to let the audience in on and then we dive into porn and the plight of the mentally handicapped. We really should take notes on our shows for future reference. This show brought to you by ADHD.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Episode 9 - Broke Back Lockwood Road

What inspires you? A beautiful sunset, a piece of art or a fine literary read? Well, here at Loud Mouth Soup, we're inspired by your failures. There's just so much inspiration out there anymore. Here in middle America, inspiration just spills out of every hole,Walmart and evangelical gathering place. When you fail we feel good about ourselves. What does this have to do with our current episode? Not a damn thing! Listen in dummies and be inspired.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Episode 8 - Monkey Planet ?

Hide your women and children people! The monkeys are coming! Matter of fact I've got one pointing a gun at my head as we speak. These poo flingers can't be trusted but they're just so damn cute. Sure, we hear stories everyday about monkey on human crime but what about monkey on monkey crime? Damn left wing media! Matt and Dan will keep you abreast on these riveting and relevant issues with another episode of Loud Mouth Soup.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Episode 7 - Dads Can be Dicks Part 2

Are you thinking about being a dad or do you just intend on adding another illegitimate bastard to our ever dwindling society? Well, Matt and Dan don't care. They've both come to terms with the fact that their DNA will come to an end with their deaths. If only their fathers had the same premonition, Matt and Dan would be much happier right now. 

Episode 6 - Dads Can be Dicks Part 1

So to commemorate Father's Day, Matt and Dan complain about their dads. Keep in mind, when you're a dick of a dad your kids grow up to lead pointless mundane lives.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Episode 5 - You May be Entitled to a Cash Settlement

It's getting hot and the porch is starting to stink. Listen in as Matt and Dan discuss the issues and topics that are important to you and your pervert uncle.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Episode 4 - Throwback Episode 1

We found some old episodes from Nothing To Look Forward To, our old podcast. We recorded this a good four years ago and several people have died since. Chew on that! Oh the regrets! Let's stew in our disappointments and have a listen from the way back. Enjoy!

Episode 3 - I Luv Me Some Eddie Rabbit

Oh boy, here we go killing again! We keep making these podcasts like someone is listening. Listen again as Matt and Dan tear each others meaningless lives apart in episode 3.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Episode 2 - I won't do a Tinder

Our friendship survived episode 1, so we'll see if some bridges can be burned in episode 2. Have a listen and indulge in the epiphanies that will haunt your tiny minds.

You'll also find us on iTunes and checkout the app Podcast Addict on Android.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Episode 1 - How are your Poops?

Oh man this first episode is almost good. Touch that title link and have a listen!

You'll also find us on iTunes and checkout the app Podcast Addict on Android.

We Exist!

After years of arguments and friendships destroyed, the podcast “Nothing To Look Forward To” has been reincarnated as “Loud Mouth Soup”. This phoenix project is sure to disappoint but who doesn’t love to see a cockroach crash?