Saturday, July 14, 2018

Episode 25 - Dan Drinks, Matt Answers the Questions

There's nothing all that metaphorical about the title of this podcast. It's quite literal, Dan drank and Matt answered some questions. However, as I'm thinking about it, that title could be relevant to nearly every other podcast Matt and Dan have published. And the subject matter isn't all that different either. Dan pontificates on regrets and Matt points out what an idiot Dan is. As I'm writing this, it's becoming all to obvious, Matt and Dan need to find new friends. Well, that's not likely to happen. If you've listened before, Matt and Dan are awful people that no one actually wants to love. They're simply there and have to be dealt with. So why are you listening to this podcast? If I had to guess, your probably thinking, thank God I'm not friends with these idiots. Especially that Dan guy! How are these guys friends and why am I writing for their crap podcast. They don't even pay me! I so hope they die soon. Die you bastards!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Episode 24 - Misogynistic Feminists

Matt and Dan love women! Matt personally knows the woman who birthed him and Dan is pretty sure a woman birthed him. Both are grateful for that miraculous mistake and painful regret. With that said they also believe women are all capable of amazing things and can hold jobs and positions of power just like men. Women should earn equal pay (as they do, just look into it) and be respected in the arena of ideas and thought. The only caveat is, Matt and Dan believe women should do this from the comfort of their homes and not in the actual workplace. Let's listen in as Matt and Dan take a time machine back to the 1950's when men wore slacks and women weren't whores...except the ones that were.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Episode 23 - Dan is Not Interesting

Hey it's April! And just as Matt and Dan promised, they have procrastinated three entire months. What has happened to Matt and Dan in three months? Little too nothing, but everyone around them is either dead or dying. Nothing beats Matt's muffin story and it clearly weighs on Dan and he tries to be interesting. He fails awfully and I mean it's cringe worthy. Hey Dan, read a book or something! Listen in as Matt tries to steer this ship from total ruin.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Episode 22 - New Years Eve 2017 Part 2

Matt and Dan end up requiring a second part to their amazing night to wrap up 2017. Matt gets to bloviating on about his swollen prostate and Dan gets to bloviating on about massaging his prostate. Don't worry, there's plenty of asshole uncle stories, regret, melancholy and a toilet full of blueberry muffin. Let's wring in the new year with Matt, Dan and days into January. At least it isn't March.

Episode 21 - New Years Eve 2017 Part 1

Our hero's gather after a long year of battle and bratwurst to reminisce on a year spent hoping they could do better than the year before. Fortunately Matt and Dan have awful memories and naively lunge head long into 2018 like a blind man jumping into an empty pool. We can only imagine what they will accomplish and potentially need lanced. Listen in as 2018 brings hope to our unsuspecting ne'er-do-well's. If they only knew. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Episode 20 - Naked Time

When two men can freely speak to one another about life and love, they have reached heights most men can't speak of. Now when two men can do this in the nude and even shed a few tears, then they have reached a peak that can only be experienced in the here after. Well Matt and Dan have died and gone to a double wide trailer. Is that hell?  Anyway, Matt and Dan pontificate on a variety of things and all they ask of you is to simply imagine them naked as you listen to this amazing episode of Loud Mouth Soup. Matt and Dan appreciate it. Listen and Enjoy!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Episode 19 - OH MY GOD A REAL GIRL!

Ah women, the fairer sex. Not to mention they have boobs. That's pretty much all I know. They all have a few things in common. For one they tend to get a sour look on their face when I stare at them in Walmart. They also walk hurriedly away as I walk towards them in poorly lit parking lots. Other than that they all have boobs, well at least the good ones do. Listen in as Matt and Dan communicate with a girl. Trust me, it's incredibly awkward.